Sunday, April 8, 2018

A Caribbean Burger at Cafe 413

Am I ready to start this up again?
I keep doing things like sorting out the 16 boxes of yarn that were saved from Maria, plus the boxes that have arrived since, and then, I'm really trying to make sure I walk every day so that I maintain what mobility I have.
But one has to eat, right?
 I'm living right in town now, closer to everything I need, but still close to the water (see the ocean and the palm trees in the distance? and Desecheo down below?
The burger above is the rescue me that Cafe 413 did for me after walking about the hilly streets of Rincon. I usually get their Bacon Bleu burger, but this one was a most excellent change.
Cafe 413  has never disappointed me!

Friday, February 23, 2018

The Restaurant issue!


     On my first trip to Puerto Rico, the place where we stayed, The Blue Moon Guest House, had several issues of El Coqui of Rincon in the magazine stand. The four adults in the house became quite sneaky about drifting off to private space to peruse this wonderful Rincon based free magazine. It was definitely the reading material of choice at Blue Moon!
     Now, almost two years later, I have the privilege of doing the English proofing for them (it is a bilingual magazine- both Spanish and English)  and I have to say, I love it even more than I did at first!
      The restaurant issue is out now, a fabulous welcome back to all those, like me, who were  chased away by Maria and her aftereffects.  Always available online, it's pretty clear than one never need go without a REALLY GOOD MEAL in Rincon. In spite of Hurricane Maria.
     Check it out at
     The photo above is of the place that was just voted the best Caribbean Beach Bar of 2018. Right in Rincon, where I live! Where I am returning next week with my bucket list to eat at every place listed in the restaurant issue (plus a few more that the grapevine has told  me will be open soon!)
     I am very grateful to have spent time at my daughter and son-in-law's house in upstate NY, where, all Winter we ate like kings. It is wonderful to sit at the table with people who love to eat!
     But, my visit, grand as it has been, is just about over, and I will be headed back to that western corner of Puerto Rico  that I now call home. Time for a little Vitamin Sea!

                                                               I will keep you posted!