Saturday, June 3, 2017

A Little Passion

Fruit, that is....a little food porn from Puerto Rico today!
Passionfruit, or parcha, is something I first had as a juice. In a glass. Looking like juice in a glass...So, I was surprised to see what a whole passionfruit looks like.
Kind of a WTF! moment when I cut it open!
Fortunately, I was somewhat prepared by two things: 1. the internet (which was not very complementary about the taste, but did show someone spooning the insides out and eating them and 2. my regular breakfast of pond scum- that tasty concoction of coconut milk and chia seeds, eaten cold, mostly for breakfast, replacing hot oatmeal in this warm climate. I've gotten used to the texture of gelatinous seeds in liquid, or I might not have been quite so adventurous as to proceed further.

Yup, you just put that old spoon in there, scoop it out, and scarf it up! There are lots of seeds, but they are very edible (my mother's voice in my head saying "good roughage"). I've been told that they range from very tart to very sweet, depending on ripeness, and I would have to agree with that, with my small experience. They also come in different colors. The flavor is very like grapefruit, which also has that sweet/tart range.
I do know that they are totally addictive. The folks at Sana Farm Stand, where I got them suggested that I stock up, because they sell out quickly. Now I know I should have brought home a wheelbarrow full of them! They are SO GOOD!
And because there's more passion here than parcha, let's let Luis Fonsi and Yankee Daddy show you some of the other kind......slowly.....

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