Tuesday, June 6, 2017


Trust me when I tell you this- until you have had a grown down the street ripe mango, you just haven't had a mango!
I'm not going to pretend that getting this into edible condition was easy....
After cutting it in half , skinning it and cutting it into pieces while avoiding the large center seed was a challenge,
"there must be an easier way than this" was something I thought frequently throughout this process.
Every time I licked my very juicy fingers, I became even more motivated to finish the job!
Yes, I ate the whole bowl full! And loved every delicious bite of it!
Methinks that Serpent in Eden did not use an apple  to tempt Eve, but a mango, peeled and cut up into slices, each piece dripping sweet, sweet goodness. Such temptation would be hard to resist! Fortunately for me, Paradise is not lost, but is, instead, recently gained.

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