Thursday, June 1, 2017


I have a strange, wonderful,  minimal set up here in Rincon. No vehicle, so I either rent a car or catch a ride with a local taxi service once every week or 10 days. I live WAY UP on a hill, so even if I get adventurous about going for a walk down the hill, there's the UPhill journey to contend with as well. In the heat...

I am finding the heat most excellent for the pains that have ailed me for way too long. Sweating, and occasionally being uncomfortable and slightly lethargic, is still a good trade off for the debilitating MS and arthritis pain that was making me suicidal in Maine. No one should have to live that way. But hey, instead of 6 feet under, I moved to Paradise!

Switching to a vegan diet while still in Maine made that pain bearable. Not great, but bearable. But it's been pretty clear since the trip last April that this is where I need to be.
I frequently shop at Sana Farm Stand, a local organic seller right here in Rincon, next to the post office. That's where the eggplant was procured.

I cut the eggplant lengthwise into flat strips, and with very little oil, more seared than sauteed them. Texture was almost like a portobello this way. I cut into bite size pieces when cool.

I must admit that the avocado came from the Dominican Republic, not Puerto Rico. I'm told there will be plenty of ripe ones here in July, but this is what the local Econo had. I figure if people can come on boats and walk around Rincon, then I can use their avocados, not too far off from the neighborhood of origin. I cut up the avocado, using pieces, not mashed.

I separately mashed garlic with a little criolli seasoning, and  added lime juice, a whole lime's worth,

 and a splash of rum ( it's local, right?) with a bit of salt and a tiny bit of olive oil

 and stirred the dressing in thoroughly and let it sit for a bit. My intention was to set this up to be a cold meal in my very warm new home. I wasn't disappointed.

I added slices of tomatoes (yes, local!) and put it on a bed of lettuce and alfalfa sprouts. I ate it with toasted tortilla shells. Like a chunky whack-a-doo guacamole. Strange, but satisfying, the eggplant making it a full meal. If I'd had cilantro- I didn't- I'd have garnished it with that. Next time. My own has just started to grow....

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