Wednesday, June 7, 2017

A Visual Feast & No Clue

Important to remember that Life is about more than food....

The past few mornings, I have woken up BEFORE 8 AM, very unusual for me, and motivated to get out of bed and walk, doubly unusual. My long walk to town several days ago (no, I haven't written about that YET) pushed me beyond my usual physicality, quite successfully. I've been waiting for the stoved up shoe to drop and what has happened instead is this waking up and needing to walk. A slightly different listening to the body exercise than KNOWING I need a donut. Just sayin....

I decided beforehand that I was going to keep this short, about 30 minutes. I knew I wanted to explore a fork in the road I had not been before, and was expecting it to be up a hill, the hill, I can see off the end of the porch.

Looking up the hill from the end of the porch.

Indeed! The bare ground spot behind the tree in the middle is in fact in the backyard here.
Interesting to see the ocean in the distance on BOTH sides of the road!
Some bicyclists went by. Do they talk about the old lady with a cane, stumping the Hills of Rincon?
No matter, I'm in it for my health!
When I got home, I was more than ready to eat, so I put a pot of quinoa on, figuring that would be quick and filling with some coconut cream and some papaya on the side.
The only problem being- it wasn't a papaya!
A papaya has lots and lots of little round seeds, which this did not. It had a center single seed. Except for the shape of it- I could almost believe it's a mango, except I've never had a mango separate from its center seed for me this way before. And, although it was ripe, it was much tarter than a ripe mango. Hmmmmmm....? Did this stop me from eating it? Of course not!
My bowl of quinoa with a generous glob of coconut cream, topped with chunks of no clue fruit.
A tasty reward for my walk in the hills!

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